So I got the rejection from Duke
few days back. The rejection really had me thinking about my chances in any of
my top choice programs. The decision also made to reconsider my list of round 2
schools. I was really enthusiastic about the NYU program, but now after
evaluating NYU’s inclination towards higher GMAT score (mine is 700 - Q50, V34)
and considering my position from a very competitive Indian IT applicant pool, I’m
thinking of passing on NYU application.
Though the rejection did hurt my
confidence level, but I’m not going to give up in the fight. I am evaluating my
options carefully for round 2. Michigan Ross and Johnson Cornell are still on my
priority list; however, I’m considering now some safer schools too. Not sure about
my chances with UNC Kenan Flagler, Texas McCombs or Carnegie Tepper, but I’m
really considering these schools because of lower median/mean GMAT score and their
less competitive applicant pool. I've to shortlist 2 out of those 3 schools. The
B - school journey is really tough and long with many ups and down. I've seen
some down in the journey for now, but now eagerly waiting for a good up from my
round 1 application. Let’s see what the future holds for me.